One by-product of the rapid evolution of cruise ships in recent years is that ships start to become outdated in the eyes of the cruising public before they reach the end of their useful lives as ships. This creates a dilemma for the major cruise lines. Do you sell these ships to other companies that operate in the secondary market or do you make the investment to upgrade them so that they remain competitive in the first tier of the market? On the one hand, these are perfectly good ships that could sail for another decade or more. On the other hand, even an upgraded middle-aged ship is not really competitive with a brand new ship.
Carnival Cruise Lines has chosen to upgrade. In a $235 million program called Evolutions of Fun - - much less than the cost of building one new ship - - it is upgrading the amenities, décor and features of its eight Fantasy class ships. While it may not make them the equal of the competition’s latest ships, they are in the same league. Moreover, it allows Carnival to be present in more markets including serving cities not served by other major cruise lines and to provide types of cruises such as short three or four day cruises which would not make economic sense for a new ship.
Carnival Imagination is one of the Fantasy class ships that has undergone the Evolutions of Fun upgrade. The result is a fresh looking ship with interesting features. Thus, while she may not have everything that one would find on the newer Carnival ships, the ship is able to offer a Carnival-style cruise. This makes her well-suited for providing an economical first taste cruise for newcomers and a good vehicle for short low-cost getaways for Carnival regulars.
My profile of Carnival Imagination is at http://www.beyondships.com/CarnivalImagination-Profile.htmland the photo tour and commentary begins at http://www.beyondships.com/CarnivalImagination-Tour-1.html