Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cruise destination Venice, Italy

Venice is one of the world's great cruise ports. To begin, sailing into Venice ranks with sailing into New York City as a spectacular experience. You sail past world famous landmarks which one would think it impossible for a big ship to come so close to. In addition, you see small backwater canals with ancient buildings that seem to embody romance.

The city has purpose-built cruise terminals. In fact, many cruises begin and end in Venice. That means that when your ship docks, you are not stuck in a container ship area that is designed for moving freight rather than people.

While the cruise terminals are a nice convenience, what makes Venice a great cruise port is that Venice is a legendary city. Perched on a series of islands, the automobile plays little part in the life of the city center. Nor are there tall glass box skyscrapers or flashy electric signs. It is a city unlike any other.

On top of that, Venice is a cultural feast. You can walk down a backstreet and find a forgotten Renaissance church or building that would be the pride of many other cities. Museums and public buildings hold works of art by some of the many masters that have lived and worked in Venice. There is history everywhere. But more importantly, there is the overall ambiance of romance that has inspired artists, authors and composers.

If one needs a break from this rich diet, there are the fine sand beaches of the Lido – a name now inextricably associated with resort living.

Venice has many moods. On a sunny summer's day, the great landmarks can be teaming with tourists. At the same time, the backstreets and side canals can be almost deserted. Venice in the rain is more mellow. Similarly, as the sun sets and the majority of the visitors leave, a timeless enchantment takes over.

We have posted an extensive section on Venice. There is a Venice home page with an overview and a brief history. There are articles about visiting St. Mark's and the Doge's Palace as well as on experiencing a gondola, that most Venetian of vessels. We have a page about the cruise terminal and a page with some links for further information about Venice. Accompanying all of these are photos and there is a slideshow devoted to showing some of the sights one may encounter walking around Venice.

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